Work related back injuries are a common occurrence in Queensland, resulting in many compensation claims put forward each year. While back pain is considered a common medical condition, there are times when it can develop into a long term disability. If you have injured your back at work or on the way to or from work, you may be entitled to claim for compensation. You may also be entitled to compensation if you have an old back injury that has been aggravated by your work.If you have injured your back from a work related activity, contact us at Cairns Compensation Lawyers to find out if you are eligible to make a claim for compensation.
Work related back injuries
Most workplace back injuries result from heavy lifting, pulling, pushing, or poor posture while sitting for prolonged periods. Poor lifting technique and inadequate workplace safety training are factors that can increase the risk of work related back injuries. Back injuries at work can be minor and short lived.On the other hand, some back injuries are very painful and require extended treatment and recovery periods.Whether your back injury is mild or severe, seek legal advice as soon as possible.There are strict time limits as to when you can make claims for compensation.
Some common work related back injuries include:
- Pinched nerves
- Spinal cord damage
- Lower back strain
- Bulging, herniated, and slipped discs
- Fractured vertebrae
Who is most at risk?
There are certain occupations that show a high incidence of back injuries. Health care workers are considered a high risk group in terms of work related back injuries.Most jobs in the healthcare industry involve a fair amount of lifting and moving of patients, which can place a huge strain on the lower back area. Consequently, compensation claims for work related back injury are quite common in this industry.Construction workers and tradies also show a high incidence of back related work injuries. This can be attributed to heavy lifting and lots of physical strain on the body.No matter what occupation you do, careful lifting practices should always be used to reduce the risk of injury in the workplace.
What should I do if I have injured my back at work?
If you have injured your back at work, contact Cairns Compensation Lawyers as soon as possible.Strict time limits apply to the making of a worker’s compensation claim.If you are unsure as to whether you are entitled to make a claim, we offer a free, no obligation consultation to assess your claim. In QLD, WorkCover provides insurance to almost every employer in Queensland.Workcover is designed to provide compensation for workers, employees, contractors, and labour hire personnel in circumstances where they are injured at work, in connection with their work, or travelling to and from work in QLD.Workcover will compensate you for a portion of wages you have lost on account of your injuries as well as expenses related to your medical treatment and a modest cash sum (Statutory Compensation).Alternatively, you can choose to not accept the cash sum offered and proceed with a Common Law Claim which usually ends up being a lot more money.At Cairns Compensation Lawyers, we can advise you on how to proceed if you are offered a lump sum through statutory compensation.Contact us today for advice on how to proceed with your back injury compensation claim.
Cairns Compensation Lawyers
1/15 Spence St, Cairns